Entries by shahla

Flame of Life

Living this existence as in a flame with Passion, Love, and Energy… Why are we not living this gift of Life free of bondage? Why do we loose that boundless energy, lust for explorations we had as children? Why routine, repetitions and mere daily doings rob us of living fully like a flame? We can […]

Praise of Not Knowing

We have a vast dictionary of words we have given to all that we have encountered. Giving a false sense of “Knowing” as we keep on adding, adding words …even there is no true “Knowing” within the campus of our consciousness. Undeniably much of this “Knowing” has offered this living less toil, more food, longer […]

Shell of human Consciousness

Banging away within the walls of the “known” until we bleed to destruction. What does it take to hatch out? Centuries have passed with wise men’s words set in print or stone upon which we built monuments to worship the words; build walls against unbelievers or kill to defend…not knowing what! This puzzle has rattled […]


Once you are connected to wholeness in silence, Once you feel trapped in frenzy rush of human noise, Once you feel temperatures rising, Once you feel desperate fight for existence, Once you watch humans in restless search for meaning, Once you see the painted faces, all the bodies screaming “look at me” Once you have […]

Summer night at 4am

It was 4 am, now 5 and the mind had been awakened, questioning, reasoning, erasing, curious, had been there before, as the “time laps” camera speeding up the unfolding of a bud to a full blown wild petals of colour, a thousand petals, breathing out perfume, and was drunk and forgot the world that unfolded […]


You good “Intellectual ” people, concerned with human lives living a meaningful life in today’s complex society… You have been brain draining for and against “Religion” as though it was a “Thing” I listened carefully and heard arrows flying hay-away flying off the bullseye.   The “Thing” is a word given meaning for what was beyond meaning. Yet we needed […]

You are passing my mind

 Life is rushing by,  not knowing whereto, from where…at times touch glories, then the dark, Some times  helpless watch suffering sometimes just holding gives comfort without words… This timeless land where humans are caught, having passed the rout where no signpost stood… can not yell back, can not tell a story…no one listens, the winds […]


This breath  throbbing fragile beauty  integral part Is the whole our lives dancing light-footed perpetual movement  motions the Universe Held in passion in love is this life we live

Pondering in May

Life begins with a sense of longing for itself. This longing is sought out wherever it enters out of time, transfixed gaze of the wild eye, movement of the slithering snake, lizard, or that energy that electrifies you from some beings.   There is no location where you can grasp at as lightning itself……it is […]